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Contents tagged with EventIDE

  • Using C#, you can program virtually everything in EventIDE, but for many experimental methods it will be a reinvention of the wheel. There are many packages, e.g.  the Psychophysics Toolbox (PTB), that contain already a great number of implemented methods. The PTB is coded in Matlab and this article shows how to call any Matlab function (not only from PTB) in the new version of EventIDE.

  • We are glad to announce that a release candidate for the upcoming update of EventIDE is available for download. The release candidate accumulates all changes, fixes and improvements made in EventIDE over the recent period. The release candidate is intended for last testing before the official update will be published.  Some highlights of new features are overviewed in this post. 

  • EventIDE is under continuous development such that bug fixes and new features are added weekly. The major updates are released less often, because we need to carefully test overall stability of the program, to make sure that your old experiment don’t break on a update. In order to give you a access to new features in advance,  we are introducing a new versioning system. All minor updates, which we called builds, will be published on okazolab website, on the download page (see a screenshot of the new download panel).

  • Template for the famous MOT paradigm (Pylyshyn&Storm, 1998 Scholl&Pylyshyn, 1999) is added to the EventIDE template gallery. The template contains a code generating unpredictable trajectories for occlusion-free motion of multiple objects. Trajectory generation is a random process controlled by several initial parameters that can be customized. In addition, the template demonstrates how to use recurrent events to create a time-precise animation with EventIDE. This video shows a single MOT trial with 10 moving objects and 4 tracking targets.