- Beta version of PupilLabs AddIn is released. The AddIn enables communication with PupilLabs eye-trackers.
- New .NET compatible data structure is introduced for the EyeLink samples, to simplify sample processing in the snippets.
- Processing logic of eye-tracker samples is changed. Now the ‘Newest Sample’ property never returns a null, even when no sample is arrived during in the last control loop
- Option to save and load the current GLM calibration in XML files is added to all tracker elements. It can be done both in design and runtime.
- Header snippet now is recompiled automatically, when a keyboard focus is moved out of the editor with the Header code. Recompilation is necessary for registration of global variables declared in Header.
- Flicking on XAML 3D models in the Oculus viewport can be now fixed by adjusting the Near Plane Distance property.
- Occasional duplication of the ‘quick action’ buttons (on the right to the application button) in the main window.