- New option to produce a pulse train in all digital port elements
- NI port element now supports the 16 and 32 bits ports
- New NI Change Detector element that automatically detects changes in port input
- New NI Single Line element that allows writing to a single line of NI digital port
- Various minor improvements in the NI elements
- Snippets were not recompiled automatically after removing elements with proxy variables
- EyeLink element failure due to referencing a wrong driver version
- Attempt to create a log file, when the tracker element is disabled
- Reporter element did not add a new line for the array variables in the ‘row‘ mode
- Crash on entering the Start-up Action dialog, when using the eye-tracking analysis elements
- Incidental crashes in the editor of the Condition List element
- Fixaccade plot did not resume on-screen rendering after re-entering the parent event