- New AddIn, Advantech DAQ, is added in the EventIDE package. The AddIn contains element that carries analog data acquisition with Advantech DAQ boards. More Advantech elements will be added soon.
- The protocol for PupilLabs eye-trackers is updated to make EventIDE compatible with the newest versions of Pupil Capture software.
- PupilLabs tracker element allows choosing whether to discard gaze positions outside of a fiducial surface.
- Fixation/Saccade Detector elements now can export their results into formatted files via a new command property.
- NI Tracker element now allows binocular tracking with four input channels.
- OpenVibe Signal element is updated to utilize performance improvements in the newest OpenVibe version, 2.2.0.
- New application preference setting is added that allows disable visual touch feedback on the stimulus screen independently of the related OS settings.
- Proxy caching option is removed from the experiment properties. The proxy caching in the snippets will be applied automatically, only when it is gaining performance.
- TCP port element is reworked to support both TCP/UDP protocols at a high abstraction level.
- Removal of the hub and array proxy variables in the property panel did not work
- Extra prefix was added to the proxy name, while opening the ‘Rename Proxy’ dialog