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New multi-modal facial analysis with a webcam

New features and changes

•    Real-time Facial Analysis Addin:
                Added a new addin for real-time facial analysis with a standard webcam. The addin is powered by Visage Technologies' AI-based engine, which extracts 3D head modeling, gaze/pupil size tracking, emotion recognition, and FACS unit scoring for one or multiple persons in a camera view. These analyses are modularized into EventIDE elements and can be selectively incorporated into new and existing experiments.
•    Support for affordable I/O Boards:
                 Introduced a new addin for communication with FTDI boards.
•    Data Export Enhancement:
                 Batch data export from the Runs History is now possible upon selection of multiple runs.
•    COM Port Element Improvements:
                 The COM port element now allows setting the DTS and RTS lines, essential for some Arduino boards.
•    Phase Locker Element Upgrade:
                 The Phase Locker element now includes the option to set the maximal amplitude threshold.
•    Designer Improvements:
                  Saving a screenshot of the selected event is now available in the Surface ribbon tab.
•   CSV File Marker Column:
                 Added the marker column’s header for the CSV files recorded by the File Writer element.


•    Slow GUI responsiveness in the designer of Dashboard and GUI panel elements
•    Occasional crashes at the end of video recording of real-time plots
•    Various fixes in GUI