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Contents tagged with Randomization

  • When  I use a large stimulus set with the Render element, it's quite cumbersome to manage the item list in UI, especially if custom sorting is required. Can you think about introducing a separate panel or window with better controls for item selection and sorting?

    The Material List Manager is added to the October 2014 release



    Submitted by sanchomoro on 29 Sep 2014
    Request Status: Completed

  • Balanced factors 2AFC in shape identification task

    Tags: Randomization, factors, visual, 2AFC

    The template contains the implementation of a 2AFC (two-alternative forced choice) shape identification task.The task relies on the 3 factors balanced randomization design, which provides the selection of position, color and shape in each trial. The trials with wrong responses are automatically excluded. Such designs are often used in measuring conditional reaction times.

    Check all code snippets in the template to understand the full implementation logic.


  • Base Layer

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    This AddIn contains a large collection of base elements that provide EventIDE with core functions

    Developed by Okazolab team and published on 16 May 2011